

I am not a big fan of matching your eye shadow with your outfit or wearing shadow the same color as your eyes. Makeup application, to me, is all about enhancing your best features. It is hard to have one fast rule for any make-up application because everyone's features and coloring are different. However, every eye has small unusual flecks of color in the iris. Instead of trying to match your eye shadow to the color of your eye try to match it to the small flecks of color in the irises.

Blue eyes will often have flecks of turquoise, lavender, and cool green. Eye shadows in these colors will make the iris pop. Medium and pale blue shades can diminish beautiful blue eyes.

Green and hazel eyes can have flecks of pale gray, dark brown, gold, or turquoise. Olive green to light green eye shadows can detract from green eyes. My eyes are green and I have a lot of gold in my eyes so I have found a beautiful gold eye shadow that I like from Mary Kay. Mary Kay Mineral Eye Color - Amber Blaze

Brown irises have the most variety of colored flecks. Brown eyes can have traces of red, warm gold, green, and violet. Brown eyes look great with almost any eye shadow.

So get real close in the mirror and see what colors you can find besides the first initial color. If you are happy with a color of eye shadow you wear, and you happen to not see that particular color when you look in the mirror, it doesn't always mean that it doesn't look good on you. I have worn a deep plum on my eyes for years and it really makes my green eyes pop but when I look in the mirror I don't see any shade of plum. This is what I mean when I say there are not a lot of hard fast rules to make-up application.



Have you heard of a dream board? You can read about dream boards all over the internet. Our good friend, Oprah even believes in the power of dream boards. I am going to tell you a little bit about them and how I like to think they work. I will first say that I love dream boards! They help me keep my goals in check and help me think positively. My dream board, for me, is inspiring.

What is a Dream Board?
A dream board is a more visual way to list your goals. Instead of writing your goals, you find pictures that represent those goals, then you put them in a collage and keep it somewhere that you look often so you can keep your goals in mind like in your office, bedroom, or next to your bathroom mirror. Having a visual of your goals has been said to be more effective in accomplishing them than writing a list.

What a Dream Board can be
A dream board can be more than just your goals, it can be your "dreams" hence the name dream board. There are so many things that we wish for but have no control over such as nice weather. Your hopes and dreams can be part of your dream board as well.

What a Dream Board is not
A dream board should not be shallow. Everyone would love to have money, a dream car, and a sunny beach vacation. Don't put those things on your dream board. You have to think about what your heart really wants and be specific to your life. The more specific you are the more likely your dreams are to come true. Your dream board does not have to make sense to anybody but you.

A small example from my life that it works
I made a dream board the summer before I had my baby. I found this beautiful picture of this tent set in the woods; this tent was amazing! It had a real bed in it with clean linens and a real floor, so I guess it could be considered a yurt. Anyways, it was a neat picture and on it, it said "Go Play Outside." My husband and I are not big on camping but I loved the picture and I remember thinking "I want to 'play' outside more." That summer was amazing! My husband and I rode our bikes everywhere and the weather was always beautiful. We got swim passes to our local community pool and we swam and just soaked up the rays all summer long. I look back on that time with such joy. I will cherish those memories of that summer forever.

With all the changes going on in my life right now, I decided to make a dream board to help me get through the next few months.

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I would love to say that I do tons of crazy, edgy, wild, and crazy hair styles but the truth is most of my clients are "trying to grow out their hair so they just want a trim". Here are some tried and true tips for all my peeps that are trying to get longer and more healthy locks.

1. Get Regular Trims
Getting your hair trimmed regularly prevents split ends from multiplying and breaking off. I realize that your hair grows from your scalp but if your hair is dry and damaged, it is just going to continue to break off at the ends and it will feel as though your hair is not growing at all. My advice, as a hairdresser, is to get your hair trimmed about 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch every 8 to 10 weeks depending on the health of the hair. Visiting your stylist regularly can also help you avoid those awkward in between lengths, allowing you to always have a definite style.
2. Conditioner, Conditioner, and more Conditioner
Never underestimate the power of a good conditioner. Use a quality conditioner every time you wash your hair. If you don't have chemically treated hair or use a lot of heat this may be enough. For those of us who do color, perm, and use heat on their hair there are leave-in-conditioners and deep conditioners. Leave-in-conditioners are applied on damp hair before you begin styling and work great for mending split ends and preventing new ones.You can get a deep conditioner done at the salon which would be best but for those who don't have time or money to go to a salon for this service, you can do a decent deep conditioning treatment at home. CLICK HERE FOR STEPS TO DO AN AT HOME CONDITIONING TREATMENT. There are so many great conditioning products out there. Ask your stylist which ones are right for you.
3. Use Heat Protectors or Avoid Heat
Heat can do a number on our hair. Protecting hair with the proper products can really help it stay strong and healthy. A lot of people think that Heat Protectors leave the hair feeling oily and heavy. I have found some really great heat protectors that work great and feel light on the hair. CLICK HERE TO SEE MY 3 FAVORITE HEAT PROTECTION PRODUCTS.
4.Take Biotin
People think that taking prenatal vitamins can help your hair grow. Well, I am here to tell you that it is a myth but I know why people think that way. When most women get pregnant, their hair gets thicker, fuller, and longer. Often times it has nothing to do with the vitamins they are taking. Taking a vitamin supplement can aid in stronger healthier hair but there is no scientific evidence to back this claim. There are, however, studies that have proved a vitamin called biotin is effective in helping hair grow. I took biotin at one point and BOY, did it work! Not only was the hair on my head growing fast but my eyebrows, leg hair, and other body hair grew annoyingly fast as well. Biotin works if you can stand shaving and "tweezing" a little more often. You can buy biotin at any drugstore or you can purchase it HERE.
5. Brush the scalp not the hair
Brushing the hair can put stress on the strands and cause hair to fall out and split. Massaging the scalp stimulates the hair follicle and can help it grow faster. When I was in beauty school, we offered scalp treatments with Paul Mitchel Tea Tree Hair and Scalp Treatment which would clean, invigorate, and stimulate. First we would take a soft bristle brush and brush the scalp, then we would apply the Tea Tree Treatment and massage it into the scalp. It was heavenly and it stimulated the scalp to help it grow.

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Sometimes your hair needs some extra love and care. You don't always have time to go in to the salon for those deep conditioning treatments that you need. Here is a quick and easy way to give yourself an at home deep conditioning treatment.

1. Apply your regular conditioner to clean damp hair; use two to three times your normal amount.(Professional conditioner works best but basic conditioners will do. I have also heard coconut oil is great but I have not tried it.)
2. Once you have saturated your hair with the conditioner, cover your head and hair with a shower cap or plastic wrap.
3. Then when you've covered your head, use the blow dryer on your hair for 1 to 2 minutes to open the hair cuticle and warm it up. 
4. Wrap your warm hair in a towel; still in the plastic, to keep it warm. Wait for 15 minutes.
5. Rinse thoroughly and style as usual!

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There are a ton of heat protection products out there. How do you know which ones are best for your hair? Here are my top 3 favorites.

This product is the lightest heat protector out there. You apply it on wet hair so it protects against blow dryer heat as well as flat iron heat. You could also use a flat iron spray with this product for extra heat protection if you wanted.When I was in hair school, the instructor sprayed this on our hands and then blew hot air from the blow dryer on it and the air felt cool! Pretty neat, huh? This product is amazing!

Hot Off The Press is a thermal protection hairspray and it is super lightweight. I would compare it to spray starch but for your hair! It has been listed as a favorite product in fashion and beauty magazines over and over again. My favorite aspect of this product is how light it is. Writing about this product makes me think of  a Saturday Night Live skit featuring Chris Farley in which he talks about "this exciting new hairspray called Exciting New Hairspray." It is so funny! Anyways, Hot Off The Press is "exciting" because of the benefits it provides. Click Here to view the hilarious SNL skit: Focus on Beauty II with Chris Farley

Firewall is what I use currently. It is a little bit heavier than Heat Seal and Hot Off the Press but it is still super lightweight. Unlike other heat protection products, AG has argan oil in it which smooths the hair and goes in the hair shaft to moisturize and build up the hair. This is a great product for those who have thick, coarse, and unruly hair or for extra shine without a heavy buildup of product.

All of these hair care products are only available in a salon. You can find a salon near you that sales these products in the links I have provided.

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Spring is here which means warmer weather and sandals! Get your feet ready for sandal weather with this amazing sugar scrub recipe.

This easy sugar scrub recipe is great for smoothing and moisturizing dry cracked feet and can be made at the drop of a hat. It is all natural and will keep for months. You can also multiply this recipe if you wanted for a spa party, or a gift, or just wanted to have extra on hand! It works great on hands and legs too!


2 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp olive oil or coconut oil
1-2 drops of doTERRA essential oil of your choice. (optional)
I like the lemon, lavender, peppermint, or wild orange oils for this.

doTERRA has amazing products! I freaking love them! Purchase doTERRA essential oils HERE.

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The eyebrow pencil that I use and love is the Mary Kay Brow Definer Pencil in Brunette. I have found that you can order Mary Kay products on AMAZON.COM without dealing with those pushy sales ladies. This eyebrow pencil is only $10 and it has lasted me a very very long time. In fact, I am too embarrassed to tell you how long I have had it. I also know there are some great powders for eyebrows too. I have never used any of them but I have heard great things. If you are scared of trying a pencil maybe a brow shadow would be the way to go for you.

The Perfect Eyebrows: Penciling

The trick to penciling eyebrows is to use a light hand with lots of soft small strokes verses one hard fast line. You have to use the pencil as if you are trying to color on the hairs rather than on the skin. When you are applying it at first you may feel as though you are not doing anything but you will soon see that you are.When I apply my eyebrow pencil, if I am up close in the mirror I have a hard time seeing if I am actually doing anything. I like to apply it a foot or two away from the mirror because I can see my eyebrows getting darker. Once I get them looking the way I want them, I look close in the mirror to make sure there are no dark lines. If there is, I smudge them a little with my fingers and they’re ready!

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I know this sounds crazy but you can dye your eyebrows and it can make a huge difference! It looks natural, beautiful, and is low maintenance.  I think every hairdresser should know how to color eyebrows because it is so easy and it can really pull a beautiful color together.  My eyebrows are lighter than the hair on my head so I used to color them all the time and I didn't have to bother with penciling them. Now, I have found an eyebrow pencil that I love so I haven't color my brows in a long time. (My next post will be about my new eyebrow pencil, so stay tuned.) Coloring eyebrows is especially great for those people who are going to a beautiful burgundy or a flashy red which is not their natural hair color. It also works for people who want lighter eyebrows (even though I can't imagine why because dark brows are the best!) Just be sure to not use bleach! (Bleach or lightener can be harsh on the skin and it doesn't always lift evenly on eyebrows) With that being said, this is how to color brows:
All you have to do is take the color you are using on the head and apply it on the eyebrows with a pick, q-tip, or other small tool. Let it sit for three to five minutes or until you see it changing colors. I would not recommend leaving it on for more than five minutes. The longer you leave the color on the darker and more intense it gets and you want the color on your brows to look natural and toned down. Also, leaving the color on for a short period of time allows the color to fade as the eyebrows grow out. (Yes, eyebrows “grow out”) You don’t have to worry too much about getting dye on the skin it will come right off. (Just don’t get it in your eyes and don’t try to dye your eyelashes for heaven’s sake!) Once you have reached the desired shade get a hot wet towel and wipe it off.  Then you are done; Beautiful low maintenance eyebrows that blend with your hair!

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Eyebrows frame the face and draw attention to the eyes. I have seen countless tutorials on how to apply eye makeup and what colors to wear for your eye color but I have not seen a good eyebrow lesson. I think it is about time. I cannot tell you how many girls I have seen who are absolutely beautiful but they always look surprised or constantly confused. This is why it is important to have your eyebrows groomed properly.  This post is all about how to groom your eyebrows for your face but I have also posted how to dye them without looking like Groucho Marx and how to get a natural look using an eyebrow pencil!

How to shape your eyebrows
There are four easy guidelines to make sure your eyebrows stop and start where they are supposed to and arch where they need to arch.

1.Take a ruler or straight edge and hold it against the side of your nose making a line to the corner of your eye. Where this line extends, above your eye, is where your eyebrows should begin.
2. Take your ruler or straight edge and draw an imaginary line from the side of your nose through the iris (the colored part of your eye). Where this line extends is where the arch of your eyebrow should be.
3. Now use your ruler to draw an imaginary line from the side of your nose to the outside corner of your eye. Where this line extends to is where your eyebrows should end.
4. Last of all, take your ruler or straight edge and place it horizontally. Where your eyebrows start and where they end should make a perfect horizontal line.
Using the features of your face you can get a perfect eyebrow that is perfect for your face. You may not have enough eyebrow hair and have to pencil them in to get them just right. Everyone’s eyebrows vary in thickness and how wide or slim you want your eyebrows depends on your preference. Personally, I love a thick bold eyebrow.

More about Eyebrow Grooming

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I discovered Covergirl Nature Luxe foundation when I ran out of my usual mineral powder. I was sort of in an emergency so I ran to the drug store to "tide" me over til I could order my other product. I fell in love! This foundation, as it clearly says on the bottle, is "liquid silk". It has SPF 10, which is perfect for us people who live in not so sunny places. Nature Luxe by Covergirl feels extremely light on the skin, provides coverage comparable to a mineral powder, and works wonders for evening out skin tone. (My skin looks amazing when I wear it!) My favorite qualities of this foundation, however, are how well it blends in with the skin (you don't have to match your skin tone dead on); it is moisturizing and holds in moisture to help prevent wrinkles; and it has a fresh, clean cucumber scent which is really not something you get with most makeup. Who knew such a simple drugstore find could compare with expensive high end beauty products? I love this product and it is sold almost everywhere. 
A Favorite Make-up Product
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Welcome to my blog, friends and family!!!! I am really excited to share lots of great beauty and style tips and answer questions you may have about hair, makeup, clothes, etc. I would love some input for what you would like to see and read about on this blog so please feel free to leave comments or shoot me an email! Love you all!

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"If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely" 


While this blog mostly provides tips on how to improve appearances, I believe that we cannot improve ourselves on the outside without improving our thinking. So be positive, think good thoughts, and look forward to a better you!

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