

I would love to say that I do tons of crazy, edgy, wild, and crazy hair styles but the truth is most of my clients are "trying to grow out their hair so they just want a trim". Here are some tried and true tips for all my peeps that are trying to get longer and more healthy locks.

1. Get Regular Trims
Getting your hair trimmed regularly prevents split ends from multiplying and breaking off. I realize that your hair grows from your scalp but if your hair is dry and damaged, it is just going to continue to break off at the ends and it will feel as though your hair is not growing at all. My advice, as a hairdresser, is to get your hair trimmed about 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch every 8 to 10 weeks depending on the health of the hair. Visiting your stylist regularly can also help you avoid those awkward in between lengths, allowing you to always have a definite style.
2. Conditioner, Conditioner, and more Conditioner
Never underestimate the power of a good conditioner. Use a quality conditioner every time you wash your hair. If you don't have chemically treated hair or use a lot of heat this may be enough. For those of us who do color, perm, and use heat on their hair there are leave-in-conditioners and deep conditioners. Leave-in-conditioners are applied on damp hair before you begin styling and work great for mending split ends and preventing new ones.You can get a deep conditioner done at the salon which would be best but for those who don't have time or money to go to a salon for this service, you can do a decent deep conditioning treatment at home. CLICK HERE FOR STEPS TO DO AN AT HOME CONDITIONING TREATMENT. There are so many great conditioning products out there. Ask your stylist which ones are right for you.
3. Use Heat Protectors or Avoid Heat
Heat can do a number on our hair. Protecting hair with the proper products can really help it stay strong and healthy. A lot of people think that Heat Protectors leave the hair feeling oily and heavy. I have found some really great heat protectors that work great and feel light on the hair. CLICK HERE TO SEE MY 3 FAVORITE HEAT PROTECTION PRODUCTS.
4.Take Biotin
People think that taking prenatal vitamins can help your hair grow. Well, I am here to tell you that it is a myth but I know why people think that way. When most women get pregnant, their hair gets thicker, fuller, and longer. Often times it has nothing to do with the vitamins they are taking. Taking a vitamin supplement can aid in stronger healthier hair but there is no scientific evidence to back this claim. There are, however, studies that have proved a vitamin called biotin is effective in helping hair grow. I took biotin at one point and BOY, did it work! Not only was the hair on my head growing fast but my eyebrows, leg hair, and other body hair grew annoyingly fast as well. Biotin works if you can stand shaving and "tweezing" a little more often. You can buy biotin at any drugstore or you can purchase it HERE.
5. Brush the scalp not the hair
Brushing the hair can put stress on the strands and cause hair to fall out and split. Massaging the scalp stimulates the hair follicle and can help it grow faster. When I was in beauty school, we offered scalp treatments with Paul Mitchel Tea Tree Hair and Scalp Treatment which would clean, invigorate, and stimulate. First we would take a soft bristle brush and brush the scalp, then we would apply the Tea Tree Treatment and massage it into the scalp. It was heavenly and it stimulated the scalp to help it grow.

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