

Have you heard of a dream board? You can read about dream boards all over the internet. Our good friend, Oprah even believes in the power of dream boards. I am going to tell you a little bit about them and how I like to think they work. I will first say that I love dream boards! They help me keep my goals in check and help me think positively. My dream board, for me, is inspiring.

What is a Dream Board?
A dream board is a more visual way to list your goals. Instead of writing your goals, you find pictures that represent those goals, then you put them in a collage and keep it somewhere that you look often so you can keep your goals in mind like in your office, bedroom, or next to your bathroom mirror. Having a visual of your goals has been said to be more effective in accomplishing them than writing a list.

What a Dream Board can be
A dream board can be more than just your goals, it can be your "dreams" hence the name dream board. There are so many things that we wish for but have no control over such as nice weather. Your hopes and dreams can be part of your dream board as well.

What a Dream Board is not
A dream board should not be shallow. Everyone would love to have money, a dream car, and a sunny beach vacation. Don't put those things on your dream board. You have to think about what your heart really wants and be specific to your life. The more specific you are the more likely your dreams are to come true. Your dream board does not have to make sense to anybody but you.

A small example from my life that it works
I made a dream board the summer before I had my baby. I found this beautiful picture of this tent set in the woods; this tent was amazing! It had a real bed in it with clean linens and a real floor, so I guess it could be considered a yurt. Anyways, it was a neat picture and on it, it said "Go Play Outside." My husband and I are not big on camping but I loved the picture and I remember thinking "I want to 'play' outside more." That summer was amazing! My husband and I rode our bikes everywhere and the weather was always beautiful. We got swim passes to our local community pool and we swam and just soaked up the rays all summer long. I look back on that time with such joy. I will cherish those memories of that summer forever.

With all the changes going on in my life right now, I decided to make a dream board to help me get through the next few months.

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